~NEO Native Habitat Corridor signs now available. Click here for more details!~
Native plants... and more!

ATTRACTive Plants

Are you wondering which of our beautiful plants attract that special visitor that you wish to entice to your garden?
Newly released Monarch butterfly on anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)

I have taken our Avonlea inventory and identified those plants that attract butterflies, bees, beneficials and birds – and those that keep deer away. The list is available for download – just click the button above!

The butterfly, bee, beneficial insect and bird lists were compiled using information from the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, which lists information provided from the Pollinator Program at The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

Information from research-based university websites was used as well. Plants marked “yes” under butterflies and moths indicate the plant is used for nectar, and/or possibly as a larval host plant. (I feel another list coming soon!) 

If the column titled “Beneficial Insects” is marked “Yes,” this means that according to the Xerces Society, the plant “Supports Conservation Biological Control” or is “a plant that attracts predatory or parasitoid insects that prey upon pest insects.”  The plant is an all-natural pesticide! You want this in your garden!

The deer challenges list was compiled using information from Rutgers University, the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and other university extension research-based websites.

Please note that defining a plant as “deer resistant” is rather tenuous; when deer are hungry and there is nothing else to eat, they will often turn to plants thought to be deer resistant. Because of that, and due to testing in differing environmental situations, often these reliable resources were in conflict with each other as to deer resistance. Sometimes you just have to take a leap (like the deer we are trying to protect our plants from!) and try it out in your own garden.

And of course, these lists are by no means meant to be all inclusive. I have listed only plants that we offer. Please see our website for our stock and pricing.

Happy planting!

Avonlea Gardens Native Plant Nursery

BarnWe are a family-owned nursery and inn in charming Chardon, Ohio.

Specializing in native plants and nativars, our nursery also offers garden accessories and tools in our historic barn.

Avonlea Gardens Inn

the-Inn-in-summerFor a cozy stay, book the entire house or the individual Rose (upstairs) and Bluebell (downstairs) Suites in our vintage-style century home Inn.

Located at 12511 Fowlers Mill Rd, Chardon, OH 44024, contact us at  (440) 622-7225 for your plant and lodging needs. We can’t wait to host you!